Thursday, 29 March 2007 I noticed that I can add a title to my post..[stupid me :)]

Hi again!
It is fun to write hear. I actually don't know does anybody even read this blog, but does it matter. Yes, it matters, but I think there isn't any ways i could really get to know does somebody read this or doesn't.
But yes I could finally get to the point. I love making poems. Most of my poems are written in other language that English and at least for now I want to keep this blog just English. But then I have several poems like Duck which are in English. So is the poem below. I like it so I decided to put it here. I hope someone would like it to. [I know it maybe is very bad poem, but I'm selfish person and because I like it I put it here :)]

For u

I would be happy
if I hided all your tears behind my wings.
I would be happy
if I could heal all u wounds.

Its all because;
I live for u,
I die for u.
There isn't anything I wouldn't do for u.

So I'm so happy,
every time I see u smile.
And so helplessly sad
when I see u crying.

Its all because of u.
There ain't anything for me.
Just loneliness and sadness
if anybody doesn't need those.

But still I live,
still I suffer.
And I do it happily to the time you say;
"Its time for you to die my love"

And then I just die away,
and all I have done,
all I have sacrificed
just for u.

-Vierna-.........[the slowets way of dying is living]

Tuesday, 27 March 2007 the first...or maybe the second "real" post :)....Yesh and a poem of mine. It is very crazy one but I somehow like it anyway so does it matter that it is crazy. At least it looks like me...I'm crazy too so...:)...Read it and have [hopefully] fun!
There was a duck
standing on a dock.
He gave me a gaze
that felt like a maze.

Then I thought I saw a troll,
but it was actually a doll.
She gave me a flower
that had an odd power.

It made me saw a pink dwarf
walking on a wharf.
Then I suddenly fainted
to bench that was just painted.

When I finally woke up
I realised I have become a duck.
[hope u had fun ;)]


Saturday, 24 March 2007

Hellou!!!.....I have already once tried to create a blog, but this stupid system doesn't let to sign in to that blog. btw. the address to there is

-Vierna-....[have nothing to say, but have fun and laugh so you live longer]