Monday, 19 November 2007

Jup...:p...I mean Yup...YUp-yUP..puP..:)

Long time....Yes. It is because time flies sometimes so fast. It is almost Christmas already. It is quite odd... :)...and last 8 :) months have been it is quite logical they have gone fast....but still..This fast..It feels odd. Then it is spring and we write our final exams...And then we all have to decide what we will become when we grow up. When we are big adults and do real things and have real jobs and earn real money - of course :P...

And I have changed so much during the year...during the past 2 and ½ years too...I feel so much older than back then...I mean 2½ years ago. It is odd. I think life is odd so I think I think all things are odd in some way...Odd way to think :) - I think :p...Funny thing to say...Yup..(np:Children of Bodom - Somebody Put Something In My Drink) I wouldn't have liked that song 8 months ago but now I really like it....:)

Okay. This poem is different from the previous ones..So I don't know is it even a proper one...but once again I kinda like it...So I put it here..You don't have to read it..Put here it is if you want do so..Feel like it or something :)

Time flies

Time flies when you have fun.
It makes you heart fly
it makes you feel light and good.

You feel you can do anything
just because you feel so.

Your heart pounds
it beats so hard
and you feel so warm.

Like nothing could ever hurt you again.
Like there weren't bad things at all
like all bad things would just be a really bad dream.

You can just be.
Forget all the bad things.

Feel the softness around you.
Feel the love around you.
And you can just be within it.
Feeling it, loving it....and being there in it.
In the warm place we all have deep in our hearts.

-Vierna-...........[All things are we all are odd too :) ]

1 comment:

Nipsu said...

Yeah, time goes fast and people change all the time. Sometimes it feels like you reborn every day. I mean that our experiences change us all the time, that you can never be the same again, never return to what you used to be. Sometimes that's good, sometimes you don't know what to think about it, but but it all has to lead to somewhere, doesn't it? To good or bad? I've got no idea but to somewhere new. And that's something encouraging. :)

Your poem is just lovely. I've felt like that sometimes. It feels good. :) Makes me wanna catch the spirit.